Dental/Oral Health is concerned with the care of the teeth, gums and mouth. The goal is to prevent complications such as teeth decay (cavities) and gum disease and to maintain the overall health of the mouth.
Healthy mouth, free from infections, injuries and other problems with teeth and gums, is important in maintaining our overall health of the body.

Diseases and other health conditions can affect your dental health and dental problems can affect other parts of your body.
Failure to properly care for your oral health may lead to other health problems.
You can help prevent or minimize many oral health challenges by regular preventative steps like regular brushing, flossing of the teeth as well as regular visits to dental health professionals.
Once your mouth is infected, the entire body system will be in danger.
What are the critical information you need on dental health? How do you prevent the series of oral diseases that can endanger your life?
We have some dental health professionals to take through in this critical area of your healthcare need.
Join us on Sunday November 6,2022 by 2.00 PM CST and Nigerian Time 8.00 PM for details.